Web Design
Since 2010, Known Digital Marketing has provided website design for small businesses in more than 80 different industries. Odds are we have designed and developed a site for your industry already. If we haven’t designed anything in your industry, no worries. Our diverse experience will be to your benefit and give you a fresh perspective you might not otherwise get somewhere else.
Each website we design is unique to our clients business, style, and liking. All of our designs are created to function on all types of devices from desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones.

Each website we design is unique to our clients business, style, and liking. All of our designs are created to function on all types of devices from desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones.

8 reasons you need a great design
Good website design equals legitimacy in the eyes of the viewer. Is your website legitimate?
Appeal to the eye, flow well, load properly and look the way they’re intended to require skills found in both a graphic designer and web developer. Don’t be the hero, hire the right person for the job.
Make a lasting impression. You may only get this one chance!
The naked eye knows the difference between the weekend warrior designer versus professional web design.
Consumers browse websites from desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. An experienced web developer will ensure your site functions properly on all devices.
A professional web designer knows how to create maximum visual appeal with minimum overhead. Making sure your site is setup and properly coded requires a professional.
Websites that look good convert more.
Better design equals better SEO. See more below.
Does Web Design impact SEO Performance?
The quick answer is yes, your websites design can impact SEO.
Website Speed
You can design an amazing looking website but if it is slow because of how you designed it, your SEO will suffer as a result. The best advice a web designer or Google will give you is make sure your new website is optimized for mobile first indexing. Google provides a free analysis tool you can use called PageSpeed Insights. You can find it here, Google PageSpeed Insights.
You can enter your website address and Google will provide you a score on how well your site is designed and built for mobile devices as well as desktop devices. Your goal is to be in the green or a score of 90-100. A good web designer will design with speed in mind as they are designing. How you design your images, text and other on page elements can directly affect how your design will impact your SEO.
Responsive Design
Responsive design is when your site’s pages automatically adjust and adapt to various devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops and desktop style computers. It doesn’t matter whether you are using a MAC or PC, iPhone or Android, responsive website design will automatically adapt to these various device types, making your site more functional, this performs better with SEO.
You might wonder what does design have to do with website functionality, the answer is everything. You can design the best looking and fasted website, but if it functions poorly, then it was all for not.
Website functioanlity refers to the user experience when someone lands on your page. Can they easily navigate your site? Is the site ADA Compliant? Are your images and text easy to view? Do you have conversion elements on your pages? How quickly can users interact with your page or pages? All of these areas directly affect your SEO.